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Carol Anne Grotrian                                                                                  back to Workshops

Stamp It -- Fabric Stamping Workshop


Fabric: pre-washed & ironed andcut into 8” squares:

1.  plain muslin and/or light colored prints or light colored solid cottons:  about 20 squares

      (more for experimenting optional)

2.   a few squares of dark solids or dark prints


Other Materials

2 white plastic erasers (Magic Rub, Mars Staedler)

Exacto knife with sharp blade (not a utility knife)

soft leaded pencil with fresh eraser


newsprint pad, 9” x  12” (Michaels, etc)  or craft kids pad (Dollar Store), a sketchbook) OR a couple of magazines
(this provides a printing surface, a practice space and if cardboard back, a cutting surface)

cheap watercolor brush
foam brushes (one about 1” wide, extras and other widths if you wish)
Q Tips (a couple dozen or so)
a push pin|


scissors (not your best)
ruler (6” preferred, C-thru rulers are great)
a jar for rinse water


straight pins or t-pins (a couple dozen)

small bottle white glue for fabric best but any will do

a piece of cardboard about 6” x 9”


“found objects” to use as stamps,(a key, spool, fork, shell, a vegie, a piece of bubble wrap, circular shapes, etc.)

a leaf or two (fresh, not dried, indoor or outdoor, look for shape and texture—eg. fern, maple)

rubber gloves (light weight surgical disposables best)
large plastic trash bag  (to protect table)

roll of paper towels


Note: Wear old clothes.  


I’ll bring inks, materials to make stamp pads and supplies for experimenting with other types of stamps. The materials fee is $8. 


Contact Carol Anne if you have questions (  Check teaching sections of my website for more information and examples of student work:



​©2021 Carol Anne Grotrian

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