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Carol Anne Grotrian: Resume                                 


Selected Solo, Invitational and Juried Exhibitions

2024  Quilts to Dye For, Brush Art Gallery, Lowell, MA

           Exploring the World of Fibers, Lex Arts, Lexington, MA

           Quilters Connection Show & Sale, Arlington, MA

           The Language of Pattern, High Field Hall, Falmouth, MA

            Holiday Show & Sale, Cambridge Art Assoc., Cambridge, MA

            Blue, Cambridge Art Assoc., Cambridge, MA

2023   Ongoing Art in Embassies Program, U.S. Embassy, Dijouti, loan to 2023
           Various Locations/Dates, "A Day at the Beach," Mancuso Shows.

           100: The Attleboro Arts Museum Centennial, Attleboro, MA

           Pushing the Surface,  Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum, Coshocton, OH

           Greater Then the Sum of Its Parts, Galatea Fine Arts, Boston,  MA d

2022   More Than Words, Belmont Gallery, Belmont, MA

            Ebb & Flow, SAQA Traveling Exhibit, Oklahoma State U. Museum, Stillwater, OKf

             Tree, Tree, Tree, Brush Art Gallery, Lowell, MA (Best of Show)

            Quilt Show!, Salmon Falls Gallery, Shelburne Falls, MA

            Exploring the World of Fiber, Lex Arts, Lexington, MA

2021    Edges, New England Quilt Museum, Lowell, MA & Highfield Hall, Falmouth, MA

            Reflection/Reawakening/Resilience, LexArts, Lexington, MA

            Pushing the Surface, Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum, Coshocton, OH

2020   Quilts=Art=Quilts, Schweinfurth Art Center, Auburn, MA  

            Threaded: Contemporary Fiber in New England, Mosesian Center for the Arts, Watertown, MA

2019   In Praise of Silk, New England Quilt Museum, Lowell, MA

             Stepping Inside the Outside, Bristol Art Museum, Bristol, RI; Highfield Hall, Falmouth, MA (2018)

             H2Oh!, SAQA Exhibit, New England Quilt, Arizona Sonora Desert. San Diego & Paducah Quilt Museums (2017-2019)

2018    Solo Exhibition, Carol Anne Grotrian, Vine Hall Gallery, South Shore Natural Science Center, Norwell, MA

             Context: Language, Media & Meaning, Fuller Craft Museum, Brockton, MA 

             Modern Inspirations: Art Quilts 1970s to Today, Quilt Con, Pasadena, CA and Dairy Barn Arts Center Athens , OH

2017     Solo Exhibit, Brookhaven at Lexington, Lexington, MA

             The Quilted Canvas: The Crit Group 30 Years and Still Quilting, New England Quilt Museum, Lowell, MA

2016     Fabric/Transformed: Art Quilts-Carol Anne Grotrian & Rosemary Hoffenberg, Mayyim Hayyim Gallery, Newton, MA

              Seasonal Palette, SAQA exhibit traveling internationally since 2012

2015      Pieces from Life, Essex Art Center, Lawrence, MA

2014      Backstitch: A 25 Year Advances & Milestones in Quiltmaking, National Quilt Museum, Paducah, KY;         

2010     Cream of the Cloth: Marbaum Collection, San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles, San Jose, CA

2008     Shibori Cut Loose, Textile Center, Minneapolis, MN

2006     Quilt Visions: The Art Quilt, Oceanside Museum, San Diego, CA;  (also Quilt Visions, 1990)

2005     Taipei County Indigo Festival (exhibition, symposium, workshop), Taiwan

2003     Solo Exhibition, Carol Anne Grotrian: Quilts with a View, Yamawaki Art Center, Lasell College, Newton, MA

              Solo Exhibition, Places from Pieces: Quilts by Carol Anne Grotrian, Vermont Quilt Festival, Northfield, VT

2002     Quilt National, Athens, OH,  (also Quilt National 1997)

              Living Traditions: Contemporary American Quilts, Nederlands Textielmusem, Tilberg, Netherlands

2000    Beds & Walls: Art Quilts by Sarris & Grotrian, Cambridge Artists Coop, Cambridge, MA

1998      Solo Exhibition, Breathing Spaces: Landscape Quilts by Carol Anne Grotrian, Gallery 57, Cambridge, MA

1996      Tresors de Soie, Musee de Tissue, Lyon, France

1993      Grotrian & Kline: Ancient Traditions Create Contemporary Crafts, Society of Arts and Crafts, Boston, MA

1991      Skyworks, Fuller Museum, Brockton, MA (national tour to 1993)

1986     Great American Quilt Festival, New York, NY (Juror's Choice)


Selected Publications/Interviews

2023   "A Tale of Trees," Art Quilting Studio, Spring 2023, 86-89.

2023   "Vivid Pictures," Art Quilting Studio, Winter 2023, 34-38.
2022   Poem by Gary Rosin written for “Night Wind,” several other quilts also published.MacQueen’s Quinterly: Knock Your               Socks Off Art and Literature, Issue 15, 18 Sept 2022 (online).

2021   "Combining Japanese Traditions," Art Quilting Studio, Spring 2021, 34-37.

            "A Quiet Sense of Place," Art Quilting Studio, Winter 2021, 72-76.

2020   Textile Talk, SAQA's Ebb & Flow with Four Artists,  Oct. 14 (zoom, recording available).

2018     Elizabeth Michelman, “Surface Design: Lanuage as Meaning at Fuller Craft,” Artscope Jan/Feb, 16-19.

2017      “The Crit Group: 30 Years & Still Quilting,” ed. Carol Anne Grotrian, JKD Publishing, Cambridge, MA.

              “Modern Quilts: Designs of the New Century,” Rene Mainardi, Alissa Haight Carlton & Heather Grant, Stash Books.

2015      Sandra Sider (ed.), 1000 Quilt Inspirations, Quarry Books.

2012     Mary Schoesser, Textiles: The Art of Mankind, Thames & Hudson, 2012, 138-140.

2010     Ray Hemachandra (ed.) 500 Art Quilts, Lark Books, Ashville, SC, 399.

2005     Eleanor Levie, American Quiltmaking 1970-2000, Paducah, KY, 133.

              Robert Shaw, Art Quilts: A Celebration, Lark Books, Asheville, NC, 196, 373.

2003     Carol Veillon, “Recontre avec Carol Anne Grotrian,” Quiltmania:Le Magazine du PatchworkSept/Oct 2003, 6-9.

1999      “Moda Arte”, Shibori Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes,  III Simposio Internacionale de Shibori, Santiago, Chile, 86.

1995      Robert Shaw (ed.), Quilts: A Living Tradition, Hugh Leuter Leven Associates, NY; 140-141

1988      Quilt Art Engagement Calendar 1988, American Quilters Society, Paducah, KY

1987      Duke & Harding (eds.), America’s Glorious Quilts, Hugh Leuter Leven Associates, NY; 210


Museum, Corporate and Private Collections include:  Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN & Jacksonville FL; Danforth Museum of Art, Framingham, MA; New England Quilt Museum, Lowell, MA; Cambridge Savings Bank, Cambridge, MA; Peabody & Brown, Boston, MA; Ropes & Gray, Boston, MA; Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA; Deaconess Hospital, Boston, MA and many private collections.


Affiliations: Quilters Connection,  New England Quilt Museum,  Studio Art Quilt Assoc. and Surface Design Assoc.

Education: Washington Univ., St. Louis, MO; Fine Artsand  Grad. School, Univ. of Minn., Minneapolis, MN (Art History)



​©2021 Carol Anne Grotrian

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